Friday, April 10, 2009

(Blog 13) Advertising in the Media

Hey Everyone,
Well since we can write about anything this week, I have decided to write about advertising and the effects it can have on people. There are so many different kinds of advertising, whether it is advertisements for products, places, or organizations, they can be positive or negative. They use advertising in almost everything including movies. And, some things they show really aren't advertising, but can portray the message that something is cool, but really is wrong.

In movies there are different things advertised like products, and if a character in a movie is using that product it may influence you, subconsciously, to want to try that product. These products range anything from clothes, to food. But, some things that are portrayed through movies are not positive. Some show things like drug use, and they may kind of show that it is okay because the people rarely ever get punished in the movies.

In media sources like public television, there are a lot of good things going on in the media. There is one organization that has those "Above the Influence" commercials. They are showing kids who are making bad decisions because their friends influence them, but then show the kids turning their lives around and showing them "Living Above the Influence" of their friends. That's just one of the good advertisements. And I think it could help kids make a good decision about not doing drugs.

But, on the other side there are commercials that show drinking and other bad behaviors. There are alcohol commercials that show people having a good time drinking and make it seem like everything is ok with alcohol. They show sex appeal to sell their product also.

So I think that the media for the most part is not always a good thing and it shows a lot of negative things like bad behavior and other needless things that you don't need like junk food and stupid info-mercial products.


  1. Very good post! I do believe that some commericals do give off a negative effect towards people. When they have junk food commericals during children's television shows. That is always the worst. But there are positive sides towards commericals. Try to show the public that there are healthy foods and healthy ways to lose weight as well as common problems that people face around the nation.

  2. Nice post Ash!! I 100% completely agree with you. There are so many negative effects that take place upon people while watching simple television commercials. I like how you pointed out the alcohol commercials that definitely makes people want to drink also hearing radio ad’s about liquor stores, it’s crazy it seems like they are basically pushing and forcing people to take up these actions like starting bad habits. Don’t get me wrong either, there are many commercials that have a good influence on our people such as commercials about school, making school look fun and an enjoyable place to be.

  3. Everything you said is true. I find it funny how cigarette commercials have been banned since 1971 but they will still have alcohol commercials all over TV. North Dakota has one of the highest under-age drinking percentages (I'm sure). However, they can still have ads on TV that glorify it. Not that I am against these ads fully, many of the funniest commercials are beer commercials.

  4. This was an interesting post. I also agree with you, there are positve and negative aspects about advertising in the media, but one thing I think many people can agree on is that media advertising DOES affect our opinions and attitudes towards certain things and products.

    I like your example about drinking. There are commercals on television that tell parents to talk to their kids about drinking and all of the negative sides of it, but at the same time there are ads for alcoholic drinks that glorify drinking and make i look like a party. Good post!
